Fanatec Podium Wheel Base DD2

Reviews summary

Overall rating
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Amazing driving experience and easy to use
I went from a CSL Elite to a DD2 and it was an incredible improvement. The detail I got through the wheel was on a level I had not experienced before.

One thing I loved about it is how easy and user friendly the product was to use. Adjusting settings, updating software etc. Fanatec did a great job with this wheelbase.
Kevin Ascher
Kevin Ascher
Had one for a year now. It's pretty much perfect. All that you can ask for with power reserves to hurt you - a lot.
One thing I loved about it is how easy and user friendly the product was to use. Adjusting settings, updating software etc. Fanatec did a great job with this wheelbase.

thats the thing that is making me consider this over SC2. I know people like to complain online but Fanatec moves so much more product so it is always going to have more people shouting about their issues. And from what I seen, most of the issues are probably from "iphone" users. aka people who dont know how to do a proper firmware update without bricking the unit.
I have my Fanatac DD2 now over 2 Years. I was one of the last once that perorder it before you must wait one the next charge. To all of that that i must say i use it with the BMW M3 GT2 wheel because i dont like that Formula styled wheels. On reason is that i drive only Street legal racecars and all of them have a normal steering wheel. In therms of reaction, installation and FFB i would say yes its another world. But if you spend 1500 Euro on an wheelbase and have in the end play in the steering wheel that is very disapointing and i noticed that they dont fix this Problem till this day. In my job i produce very complex and very tight tollerated parts most for aircrafts. If i lock on that quick release system i must say its a joke for thet money.

But its only my opinion.