F1 22 How to do decal of sponsors for f1 team car livery?

F1 22 the official Formula 1 Game
So ... I am trying to get decals.tiff done but when I load it.. it covers my whole livery in white colour even tho I am using Color + Alpha even tho I am painting all the sponsors in white in alpha channel.. I am hopeless. Spent 3hours doing this.. still nothing. Can anyone help ? I am saving it BC3 sRGB.. and everything.. still nothing.. Video how to do it would be gold.. but if you can at least type some comments.


Modular Mods Creator
Seriously we have a modding questions channel and exactly that question has been very recently answered.
Same question for years and years. Do you guys ever use the search function here, or do you only search at youtube?
Make the alpha black.